입시 정책 변화에 따른 실업계 고교 직업교육 대책

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Education Measures for Vocational High Schools following Changes in the College Admission Test Policy
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본 연구의 목적은 입시 정책 변화에 따른 문제점들을 예상하면서 이에 대한 해결책과 대책을 모색하고, 새로운 실업계 고교 대학 입시 제도와 관련된 직업교육정책 방향을 제시하고자 한다.
This research was aimed at identifying measures to solve the problems arising from the changes to the college admission test policy, and at suggesting a future course for vocational education policy with regards to the newly introduced vocational high school admission test system. To attain the objectives of this research, the study attempted to achieve the following:
First, this research reviewed and analyzed the changes to the college admission test policy for vocational high school students as well as the important factors that have arisen as a result of these changes.
Second, this research attempted to understand the implications and tasks related to the college admission test policy for vocational high school students, which serves as an extension of the present vocational education policy, set to be implemented in 2004.
Third, this research attempted to predict the problems that might arise as a result of these changes, by investigating the understanding and reactions of the concerned parties to the newly introduced college admission test system, such as, vocational high school students and teachers, as well as those responsible for the admission test in colleges and universities.
Fourth, this research tried to suggest a future course for vocational high school education, as well as the measures that should be taken to bring this about, by reviewing the opinions of the concerned parties, specialists, and policymakers.
To collect the data necessary for this study, this research used related literature, in-depth interviews with people engaged in the actual educational field, specialist conferences and consultations, as well as surveys.
With regards to the related literature, this research analyzed materials related to domestic and international admission test policies. These sources were used as the basic materials in analyzing the present state, problems, and domino effect caused by this change in policy, and to suggest measures to improve the new admission test system for vocational high school students. In addition, conferences and consultations were held with vocational high school teachers, university professors, government officials from the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, city and provincial educational offices, as well as researchers from related government organizations and research institutes. A survey was conducted in order to investigate the concerned parties understanding, reactions, and preparations for this newly introduced admission test policy, and to understand their demands in order to establish educational measures for vocational high schools. Questionnaires were sent out by mail or directly distributed to 600 vocational high school students, 300 vocational high school teachers and admission test managers from 159 colleges and 192 universities. The questionnaire return rate was 97.0% for vocational high school students, 60.3% for vocational high school teachers, 58.5% for college admission test managers and 84.9% for 4-year university admission test managers.
As such, the educational measures for vocational high schools that should be taken as a result of the changes in the admission test policy for vocational high school students, can be summarized as follows:
(1) When establishing vocational education measures, economic and educational motivation should be regarded as important factors.
(2) Based on the possibility that this newly introduced admission test system for vocational high school students will help invigorate vocational high school education, related vocational education policy should be established.
(3) The new admission test system for vocational high school students should be operated nationwide in order to continuously develop vocational high school students aptitudes and interest.
(4) Related vocational education measures should be established to invigorate the functions of the new admission test system for vocational high school students.
(5) The new admission test policy should be implemented in a manner that takes into consideration the roles of vocational high schools in educating the skilled human resources demanded by industries that have been hard pressed in the past to find such resources.
(6) The new admission test system introduced for vocational high school students should serve as a catalyst for the achievement of a skill-based society promoted through higher-level vocational education programs.
(7) Short and long-term vocational education measures should be established, and consistently implemented in a manner that complements and improves the related policies.
Educational measures for vocational high schools should be separated into two different sets as a result of the changes in the admission test policy: one designed to stabilize the new admission test system and the other to develop vocational education that is based on these changes in the admission test policy.
Measures to stabilize the screening system that reserves 3% of admissions within each university program for vocational students who majored in related departments include the following:
(1) Vocational high schools as well as city and provincial educational offices should promote the new college admission test system.
(2) Vocational high schools and universities should take steps, both educational and institutional, to help vocational high school students, through such means as the operation of a screening system that reserves 3% of admissions within each university program for vocational students who majored in related departments, enter university.
(3) Universities should establish a screening system that reserves 3% of admissions within each university program for vocational students who majored in related departments that is fair and feasible.
(4) With regards to the number of students that should be selected through such a screening system, universities should abide by this quota when the new admission test system is implemented. Afterwards, the number of students selected should be based on the prevailing state of affairs, such as, changes in universities admission test conditions or plans.
(5) Universities should diversify admission test methods, and include an admission test based on related departments, in order to meet the objectives of vocational high schools and characteristics of the departmental majors.
(6) Universities and policymakers should prepare measures to prevent students from getting confused when selecting related university majors in accordance with the present efforts being made by vocational high schools and universities to diversify the university majors selected by vocational high school students.
The measures to stabilize the vocation inquiry section can be summarized as follows:
(1) Vocational high schools as well as city and provincial educational offices should prepare measures to stabilize the new admission test policy in a manner that does not interfere with the operation of the vocational high school educational curriculums.
(2) With regards to the vocation inquiry section, universities should utilize their right to form their own career counseling programs. In addition, they should operate fair and feasible admission tests that do not discriminate against vocational high school students.
(3) In order to successfully implement the vocation inquiry section, policymakers should focus on creating continuous interest in these vocation inquiry section and on establishing post-support programs (by taking such steps as properly defining the functions of these vocation inquiry section, and conducting a study on the proper range of questions needed to implement an admission test that is in accordance with the characteristics of specialized subjects).
(4) In order to properly implement admission tests, policymakers and administrative institutions should reorganize or reestablish vocation inquiry section in order to cope with the changes and demands of the industrial world, including the establishment of measures to evaluate students skills and techniques.
The core measures needed to invigorate the new admission test policy and vocational education can be summarized as follows:
(1) Concerned parties should use these changes in the admission test policy to invigorate vocational education. More specifically, there is a need for the principals of elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as the directors of education related agencies to display leadership in order to increase awareness of the new admission test policy and invigorate vocational education.
(2) Based on their own characteristics and conditions, universities should implement higher education programs so as to become either academic based universities or vocational skill based universities. In addition, various lifelong education systems should be established to create a correlation between vocational high school and university education, through such steps as extending the cooperation-based education system, and encouraging students to enter departments related to their high school majors.
(3) City and provincial educational offices and Policymakers should prepare vocational education measures to help industries secure the manpower needed from vocational high schools. It is necessary to review the link model that connects vocational high schools industries universities industries by providing scholarships to students who desire to continue their academic career.
(4) College and Policymakers should prepare measures to invigorate 2-year college programs, which serve as another source of vocational education in Korea.
(5) College and Policymakers should establish measures to overcome the gaps between 2-year college and 4-year university curriculums and between urban and rural universities, which currently run the risk of becoming even deeper as a result of the changes to the admission test policy.
(6) It is necessary for policymakers to make sure that the college admission test policy is implemented in a manner that assures that the vocational abilities of regular high school students are recognized.
(7) Policymakers should consider various methods of establishing a qualification system for college scholastic ability tests.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 내용 2
3. 연구 방법 3
가. 문헌연구 4
나. 전문가 협의회 및 자문 위원회 운영 5
다. 조사연구 : 설문 조사 6
4. 연구의 범위 및 제한점 7
Ⅱ. 실업계 고교 대입 제도의 변천과정 8
1. 1950~1960년대 대입 제도 8
가. 실시 내용 8
나. 사회·경제적 배경 10
다. 교육적 배경 14
라. 중단 배경 16
2. 1970~1980년대 대입 제도 17
가. 실시 내용 17
나. 사회·경제적 배경 17
다. 교육적 배경 20
라. 중단 배경 22
3. 1990년대 이후 대입 제도 25
가. 실시 내용 25
나. 사회·경제적 배경 26
다. 교육적 배경 31
4. 새로운 실업계 고교 대입 제도의 의미와 과제 34
가. 새로운 실업계 고교 대입 제도의 의미 34
나. 새로운 실업계 고교 대입 제도의 과제 43
Ⅲ. 입시 정책 변화와 관련된 이해 집단의 인식 및 요구 분석 51
1. 조사 결과 분석 51
가. 실업계 고교 대학 입시 정책 전반 51
나. 동일계 대학 정원 외 특별전형 제도 53
다. 직업탐구영역 65
라. 입시 정책 변화에 따른 직업교육 활성화 대책 80
2. 입시 정책 변화에 따른 직업교육 대책 마련을 위한 과제 88
가. 새로운 대학 입시 제도 정착을 위한 과제 88
나. 입시 정책 변화에 따른 직업교육 발전을 위한 과제 90
Ⅳ. 요약 및 정책 제안 93
1. 요 약 93
가. 실업계 고교 대입 제도의 변천 과정과 변화 요인 93
나. 각 이해 집단별 의견 95
다. 새로운 입시 정책의 성공 및 실패 예측 요인 100
2. 정책 제안 102
가. 입시정책 변화와 관련된 실업계 고교 직업교육의 기본 방향 102
나. 새로운 입시 정책 정착을 위한 대책 105
다. 입시 정책 변화에 따른 직업교육 발전을 위한 대책 113
3. 논 의 118
참 고 문 헌 122
부 록 133
부록 1. 실업계 고교 학생용 설문지 135
부록 2. 실업계 고교 교사용 설문지 146
부록 3. 전문 대학 입시 관계자용 설문지 154
부록 4. 4년제 대학 입시 관계자용 설문지 162
김해동. (2003-07-31). 입시 정책 변화에 따른 실업계 고교 직업교육 대책.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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