국가공인 민간자격 학점인정 방안 연구

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A Study on Criteria for the Credit Approval of Nationally Authorized Civil Qualifications
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본 연구는 국가공인 민간자격에 대한 학점인정 방안을 마련하는 데 목적이 있다. 즉, 본 연구는 학점인정등에관한법률 제7조 4항의 시행규칙 제정과 관련하여 국가공인 민간자격 취득자에 대한 학점 인정방안을 제시하려는 것이다.
The study aims to propose plans to give credit approval to those who obtain authorized civil qualifications, in accordance with the enforcement regulations under the Clause 7, Article 4 of「the law on credit approval and others」. Preceding studies on the grounds and principles of credit approval, analyses on the related references and materials, and surveys asking the managers of authorized civil qualifications their opinion over giving credit approval to authorized civil qualifications were conducted as the methodology of this study.
Besides, a conference inviting experts from the relevant fields was held to specifically overview the contents and levels to be examined by qualification items, to conduct a face-to-face survey on directions to take in the credit approval of authorized civil qualifications, and to analyze the level and the degree of the difficulty of questions in the examinations of authorized civil qualifications. The contents and results through this study are as follows.
□ Theological Research for Judgement on the Level of Qualification
In a theological research to give judgement on the level of qualification, standards for the judgement were drawn from the comprehensive examination over the Bloom's classification of behavioral objectives, Lee Moo Keun and others' the level of basic capacity for an occupation and Presseisen & Beyer's classification of thinking and the grade level of national technical qualification.
The level of qualification was divided into five grades from 'Level A' at the highest to 'Level E' at the lowest according to the grade classification mode. In addition to that, the rank of knowledge and work and the scope of responsibility were classified into five grades under each corresponding level.
An investigation on work to be carried out for a qualification item came to make it possible to settle an appropriate level of qualification by finding the level of work and the scope of responsibility in the performance of the work.
□ Current Status on Nationally Authorized Civil Qualifications
In 2000, 28 items(12.9%) were approved out of 217 civil qualification items applied for national authorization. In 2001, 7 items(8.0%) out of 114 civil qualification items. In 2002, 5 items(1.5%) out of 110 civil qualification items. Afterward, 1 item became invalid and currently, the total number of authorized civil qualification items comes to 39.
Therefore, the study on the credit approval of nationally authorized civil qualifications was conducted with an emphasis on these 39 qualification items.
□ Criteria for the credit approval of nationally authorized civil qualifications
○ Conformity of credit approval
The credit approval of nationally authorized civil qualifications was proposed on a basis of the conformity of credit approval suggested in the previously conducted studies on criteria for credit approval in the national technique qualification and other national qualifications.
Concerning qualifications to apply for authorized civil qualifications, the qualification items having clear descriptions about the conditions of education and work experience comparable to those of the national technique qualification were considered to take the level of credit approval based on the principles of credit approval taken in the national technique qualification and other national qualifications.
Additionally, qualifications excluding certain items among authorized civil qualifications in giving credit approval were set on a basis of selection standards of preceding studies and 'Exceptional conditions in the subject of credit approval for other national qualifications' notified by Korean Educational Development Institute.
○ Settlement of the level of credit approval
For the authorized civil qualification items unable to formulate criteria for credit approval in accordance with the principles of credit approval taken in the national technique qualification and other national qualifications, two factors were put under consideration for setting the level of the credit approval. First, the level and scope of work were investigated. Second, the content of qualification inspection was compared with the course work of college
The degree of difficulty in the scope and performance of work was reviewed by expertise qualification and general qualification, respectively.
Expertise qualification indicates whether or not the required knowledge and technique are acquired for performing duty in specific work fields. It falls into service fields and qualification items except qualification items on general clerical work of the national technique qualification and other national qualifications. To the contrary, general qualification is to prove the degree of acquisition of knowledge and technique for improving the efficiency of work throughout diverse types of occupations. It includes qualifications to verify language proficiency, mathematical and statistical capacity, problem settlement, negotiation and communication skills
When the authorized civil qualification came under the expertise qualification, the level of qualification was determined in comparison with the level of work of national qualifications. In the case of the general qualification, the credit to be approved was settled by conducting a comparative inspection on the course work of college.
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 3
Ⅱ. 비정규 학습에 대한 학점인정 동향 5
1. 비정규 학습에 대한 성취도 인정 5
2. 자격에 대한 학점인정 동향 9
3. 자격 수준 판단을 위한 이론적 탐색 13
Ⅲ. 민간자격제도 및 국가공인 민간자격 현황 25
1. 민간자격제도 도입 배경 25
2. 민간자격 종목 현황 28
3. 민간자격 관리자 37
4. 민간자격 국가공인 38
Ⅳ. 학점 인정 제도 59
1. 학력과 자격의 연계 59
2. 자격에 대한 학점 인정 60
3. 외국의 학점 인정 동향 71
Ⅴ. 국가공인 민간자격의 학점 인정 방안 95
1. 학점 인정의 대상과 수준판단 95
2. 국가공인 민간자격별 학점 산정 99
3. 표준교육과정과의 연계 146
Ⅴ. 제 언 151
참 고 문 헌 155
Abstract 159
부 록 163
신명훈. (2003-09-30). 국가공인 민간자격 학점인정 방안 연구.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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