※ 본 자료는 Issue 보고서로 선정되어 2004년에 재 발간된 보고서입니다. 본 연구는 우리 나라 직업훈련체제가 전환기적인 상황에 놓여 있다는 인식하에 직업훈련 환경의 변화와 함의를 추출한 다음 현행 직업훈련 체제의 현황과 문제점을 분석하고, 유사한 상황에 직면한 주요 선진국에서 진행되고 있는 직업훈련체제 개편 동향의 시사점을 도출하여 직업훈련체제의 재정립 방향과 방안을 제시한 것이다. 본 연구는 문헌연구와 전문가 집단 토의 그리고 전문가 델파이 조사의 방법을 활용하였다. 그 중 전문가 델파이 조사는 훈련환경과 현행훈련체제, 향후의 비전과 발전방향을 찾기 위한 유력한 수단으로 사용되었다. 연구는 크게 네 부분으로 구성되었다. 첫째, 직업훈련 환경의 변화 및 직업훈련 체제 변화의 징후에 대한 분석, 둘째, 현 직업훈련체제의 현황과 문제점에 대한 분석, 셋째, 외국의 직업훈련체제 개편 동향 및 시사점에 대한 분석, 넷째, 이상의 분석에 기초한 직업훈련체제의 재정립을 위한 기본방향과 세부적인 발전방안의 제시 등이다. 1. Introduction This research, based on the belief that the Korean vocational training system is currently undergoing a transition period, was focused on analyzing the recent changes in the vocational training environment and their significance. Moreover, the present state of the vocational training system was also analyzed, as were some of the related problems. Furthermore, the desired course, as well as the measures needed to reestablish the vocational training system, were suggested based on some of the features of the reestablishment process that has occurred in advanced countries that at one time faced a similar situation to the one the Korean vocational training system is currently undergoing. In order to achieve the objectives of this research, an analysis of related literature was conducted, conferences with specialists were held, and a Delphi survey was used. This Delphi survey was employed to help the researchers come to grips with the present state of the vocational training system, to help develop a future vision, and to discover means of bettering this system This study can be divided into four parts: First, the changes in the vocational training environment and the signs of these changes were analyzed. Second, the present state of the vocational education & training system, as well as the problems associated with it, were delved into. Third, some of the reestablishment features of the vocational training programs of other countries were examined. Fourth, the desired course for the reestablishment of the vocational training system, and detailed measures to bring this development about, were introduced based on the results of the other three parts of this research. 2. Results of the research Changes in the vocational training environment have emerged as a result of the transition towards a knowledge-based economy, changes in the population structure and labor market, changes in the work values and people's mentality towards various occupations, as well as globalization. These changes in the environment have had the effect of making the introduction of a new style of vocational training system indispensable. Currently, Korea's vocational training system is in a sort of transitional phase as it moves away from the old paradigm towards a new one. The current government-led vocational training system designed to educate skilled human resources has been seriously weakened. In its place, a new training system based on the retraining of those already employed has emerged. As a result, the importance of improving the job performance of workers and of providing them with job training opportunities has increased accordingly. Moreover, workers' demands for increased opportunities to improve their vocational competencies have increased as the e-training system has spread. While the Vocational Training Promotion Act was the first step in the move toward a new vocational training system, this new paradigm has yet to fully take shape. Although the current vocational training system has stable access to financial resources, known as the Employment Insurance Fund, and several efforts to establish an effective and demander-oriented vocational training system have been carried out as a result of its implementation, there are still many problems associated with it. First, the current vocational training system has not completely removed the government-oriented, or supplier-centered, vocational training system that has plagued the system for so long. Under this training system, the efficiency of demander-oriented vocational competency development cannot but be low. In addition, the social partnership that is needed in order to successfully implement a new vocational training system has not taken root. Second, with regards to the vocational training support system, medium & small-sized enterprises, workers, as well as the irregular workforce have failed to have their needs addressed by the current vocational training support programs. Third, there is still no system per se which allows those who attend these vocational training courses to evaluate them. In other words, no active link has been established between the vocational training support system and the results of evaluations. Fourth, the link between individual vocational training and education programs is also very weak. Moreover, there has not been much cooperation between related departments. Fifth, our survey revealed that most people did not rate the effectiveness of these vocational training programs very highly. Especially disturbing is the fact that very few of those who took the vocational education training courses, or training courses for the unemployed, have managed to find employment. With regards to the reestablishment of vocational training systems in advanced countries, our research identified the following characteristics: When it comes to the vision behind the reestablishment of the vocational training system, most advanced countries emphasized the strengthening of the competency of human resources through the formation of a highly skilled labor force, the creation of highly skilled occupations, and the provision of opportunities for vocational education & training. With regards to vocational training and related support systems, these countries established national vocational competency policies that were in accordance with the following objectives: the promotion of a social partnership; the establishment of a lifelong learning and educational training system and an individual market-oriented vocational training system; the achievement of social integration as well as the development of ways to cope with changes in the labor market; and the provision of financial support based on job performance. In addition, policies designed to achieve such goals as creating new occupations, providing educational programs for future occupations, and strengthening the remote educational training system, were given top priority. To promote the effectiveness of this reestablished vocational training system, national-scale accreditation organizations were established, and a standard evaluation system for vocational training programs was also introduced. Based on the results of the above-mentioned analyses, the following objectives for a long-term based vocational training system in Korea were identified: the creation of a highly qualified work force through the establishment of an on-the-spot training system, the provision of demander-oriented human resources, the assurance of an effective vocational training system, and the pursuit of social equilibrium. Based on these objectives, the vision behind the new vocational training system should be to achieve Innovative Manpower Korea (IM Korea) with the participation and cooperation of the relevant parties. To achieve these objectives and visions, the current Korean vocational training system should be reestablished, based on the following: the establishment of a support system for lifelong vocational competency development; the promotion of enterprises' strategic investment inthe education of human resources; the invigoration of the quality of human resources by increasing competitiveness in the educational training market; and the establishment of a vocational education system capable of meeting the demands of the labor market. 3. Policy suggestions First, public vocational training organizations should concentrate on increasing public awareness and social integration, and on increasing their effectiveness by offering more substantial vocational training programs.To attain these objectives, the effectiveness of the vocational training process should be increased; the training programs should be reorganized and specialized in accordance with the occupation in question in order to cope with the changes in industrial demand; the functions of the regional lifelong vocational competency development centers should be strengthened; and the management system should be reformed. Second, a social partnership should be formed in order to decrease the possibility of the government or the market improperly carrying out their functions, and to promote the effectiveness and awareness of the vocational training system. To achieve this, the following steps should be taken: efforts should be made to further develop the understanding of the current state of the vocational training system; an agreement should be reached among those related to the vocational training system; the related laws and regulations should be modified; partnership organizations concerned with the vocational training system established; an accreditation system introduced; preferential treatment given to enterprises that contribute to the development of human resources through cooperative efforts between labor and management; and the establishment of a partnership-based evaluation and feedback structure for the vocational training system. Third, further room should be made for employer-provided training programs within the vocational training system. In order to achieve this, enterprises' autonomy should beguaranteed and a compensation system based on fair evaluation should be established. In addition, a variety of vocational competency development projects designed by enterprises to address their needs should be supported. If the employer-provided training programs are to become the main actors in the vocational training system, there is a need to modify related laws and regulations. Moreover, enterprise sponsored vocational training organizations should receive the same kind of support as public training organizations. Furthermore, vocational training facilities should also be provided to these employer-provided training organizations. Fourth, as the actual conditions of the industrial and labor markets are rapidly changing, worker-oriented vocational training programs should be further promoted. Moreover, as it is not easy for individuals to cope with changes in the knowledge-based society armed solely with limited knowledge and technologies, it is essential that a lifelong learning system based on self-studybe established. While individual workers should possess the willingness and passion to learn, the establishment of a vocational competency development policy designed to provide support for individual workers' learning-related activities and the construction of the necessary social learning infrastructure networks should be seen as being even more important. Fifth, a link between vocational education and trainingprograms should be established. To decrease the inefficiency in both programs and heighten the effectiveness of human resources, there is a need to link the vocational education system with the vocational training system. More specifically, when it comes to the establishment of measures to link the vocational education and training programs, there is a need for those involved in the vocational training and education fields to help optimize this proposed linkage system. Sixth, the present support system for vocational training programs should be improved. By expanding the scope of the support system, which is presently limited to enterprises, workers, labor unions and consortiums, the possibility of the vocational training system failing as a result of a lack of investment in the education of human resources by enterprises should be decreased. In addition, the support system for vocational training programs designed for small and medium-sized companies, workers engaged in the education of human resources, and irregular labor, all of which have been neglected in the current vocational training programs, should be invigorated. Moreover, the barriers that have prevented workers who are employed in small and medium-sized enterprises from participating in vocational training programs should be removed. Furthermore, an infrastructure for vocational training programs should be established through the diversification of the forms of support by adopting such measures as repaying individual workers' vocational training fees; providing support for enterprises' installation of new training facilities and equipment; supporting managers who are responsible for the development of human resources within enterprises; as well as supporting the development and distribution of educational training programs. Seventh, the development of the vocational competency of vulnerable groups should also be promoted. In this knowledge and information era, increased importance is being placed on lifelong vocational education and training programs. By increasing vulnerable groups', such as the unemployed, elderly, and low-wage workers, opportunities to participate in vocational education and training programs, these individuals will increase their chances of finding employment. Lastly, there is a need to improve the system used to evaluate vocational training programs. Beginning in1998 with analyses and evaluations of the vocational training programs for the unemployed, The Vocational Competency Development Evaluation Project has now been in effect for five years. As far as evaluation systems go, this one has employed higher evaluation standards and methods than its predecessors. It is not however without its faults. In the current knowledge and information society, where autonomy and accountability are emphasized, the Vocational Competency Development Evaluation Project should be used to assure the sustainable expansion and maintenance of vocational competency development and training programs. In addition to achieving the above-mentioned objectives for the vocational training system, there is a need to assure that an effective vocational competency development policy is put into place for the labor market.
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1 1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 1 2. 주요 개념과 연구의 범위 2 3. 연구의 내용 및 방법 6 Ⅱ. 직업훈련 환경의 변화와 전환기적 특성 9 1. 직업훈련 환경의 변화 9 2. 직업훈련체제 전환의 징후 14 3. 전문가조사 결과와 시사점 23 Ⅲ. 직업훈련체제의 현황과 문제점 35 1. 직업능력개발훈련의 위상 35 2. 전체 시스템 차원의 현황과 문제점 36 3. 훈련부문별 현황과 문제점 53 4. 전문가조사 결과와 시사점 98 Ⅳ. 외국의 직업훈련 개편 동향과 시사점 127 1. 직업훈련 비전 영역 127 2. 직업훈련 수단 영역 129 3. 직업훈련 집행 영역 136 4. 직업훈련 평가 영역 140 5. 직업훈련 주체 및 이해관계자 영역 143 6. 외국 동향의 시사점 145 Ⅴ. 직업훈련체제의 재정립 방안 149 1. 전문가조사 결과와 시사점 149 2. 중·장기 비전과 기본 방향 163 3. 직업훈련 전달체계 차원의 재정립 166 4. 훈련지원 및 평가체계의 재정립 171 Ⅵ. 요약 및 정책 제언 177 참고문헌 181 ABSTRACT 187 <부록 1> 1차 델파이조사표 195 <부록 2> 2차 델파이조사표 203