국제기구(OECD, UNESCO 등)와의 공동연구(2003) : 정보통신기술 인력의 능력개발과 인력교류 활성화
- Alternative Title
- A Study on Human Capacity Building for Information Communication Technology and Facilitation of Human Resources Exchanges
- Author(s)
- 이정택
- Publication Year
- 2003-12-31
- Created
- 2003-12-31
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/928
- Abstract
- 본 연구·사업의 목적은 본 과제가 2002년과 2003년 2개년에 걸쳐 진행된 연구·사업이므로 이 2개년을 포괄하는 연구·사업 목적을 제시하고, 이어서 2003년 연구·사업에 초점을 맞춘 연구·사업 목적을 제시하는 방식으로 전개하고자 한다. 먼저 총괄적인 연구·사업 목적 제시다. 2개년에 걸친 총체적인 목적은 2002년에 아시아·태평양 지역 정보통신기술 인력의 능력개발과 인력교류 활성화 방안 모델 구축과 구축된 모델의 인도네시아와 베트남 현지 적용방안 모색을 하여, 2003년에 인도네시아에 민간기업 주도 인력양성 활성화를 위한 국가 정보통신기술인력 양성 마스터플랜 정책자문, 베트남에 정보통신 기술 공무원 인력양성 목적의 국립정보통신기술 인력양성 센터 건립과 교육 훈련 컨텐츠 개발을 위한 구체적 실행방안과 실시전략을 수립하는데 있다.
1. Overview
As 2nd-year project following the 1st-year one, entitled, "Study on APEC ICT Human Capacity Building and Facilitation of Human Resources Exchanges", this study aims to provide implementation strategies toward establishing national government officials-targeted IT training center with Vietnam as well as directions for designing national master plan on ICT with Indonesia.
To meet the purposes, the researcher in charge of this study organized two seminars: one in Jakarta on July 14-15 with Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (MMT), Indonesia and the other one in Hanoi on July 17-18 with Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Vietnam, with invited participation of experts from Australia, Canada, Peoples of Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Singapore.
Throughout the courses of the two seminars, experts reached a consensus in saying that both countries require IT policy and implementation-related human capacity building, the first priority of which be given to governmental officials. They all agreed with the prerequisite that top government officials even including Presidents and Ministers raise awareness of importance of IT or ICT training policies. To help close the digital divide syndrome overriding in the world today, both the projects, master plan in Indonesia and IT training center building up project in Vietnam, were urged to be designed and implemented in line with the general framework formulated by this study.
2. Implementation
Seminars held in Jakarta and Hanoi were attended by 50-100 audiences mostly from governments and universities. In indonesia, government was strongly recommended to emphasize private-driven ICT master plan from the beginning. Both Minister of Communication and Information and Minister of MMT stated in their speeches that Terms of Reference (TOR) would ensure it. Experts also urged awareness of challenges in formulating ICT master plan by stressing both alliance forming among government, industry and academia and inter-governmental coordination.
Vietnam was advised to adopt ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluation) in developing curricula. Also, combined efforts by both universities and government were urged to implement both on-line and off-line merged and module-based way of instrumental mechanism. The finance-shortage problem was advised by Australian expert to be tackled by following dual approaches: successfully locating right funding international organization and drafting professionalized documents urging importance of fund raising for governmental official-targeted IT training center.
3. Recommendation
Indonesian Government (MMT) was recommended to draft TOR to be trcognized as official master plan. Recently, MMT submitted a proposal for ICT training center building in Indonesia to APEC, following the suggestion by the Seminar in July this year.
Vietnam has initiated the project of e-Government earlier. The Seminar in Hanoi stressed importance of fusion between suggestions by this study and the e-Government project. So far no progress has been informed of yet.
The issue of digital divide in APEC is now getting to be worthy of international notice. Successful implementation as well as substantial progress require excellence in direction following up and stock-taking mechanism which is now in need of international cooperation and coordination.
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구·사업 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구·사업 질문 4
3. 연구·사업 내용 6
4. 연구·사업 방법 8
Ⅱ. 이론적 접근 13
Ⅲ. 인도네시아·베트남 인력교류 활성화를 위한 인력양성정책 19
1. 인도네시아와 베트남 정보화 현황과 IT 인력정책 현황 19
2. 양국 IT 정부관리 인력양성정책 과제 26
Ⅳ. 아·태 지역 정보통신기술 정부관리 양성 및 인력의 국제교류 방안 37
1. 정보통신기술 인력양성전략 및 접근방식 37
2. 원격 교육과정 개발가이드 57
3. 국제교류 활성화를 위한 인력양성정책 방안 67
Ⅴ. 향후 아·태 지역 정보통신기술 정부관리 능력개발 인력교류 활성화를 위한 정책과제 71
1. APEC 개별 국가차원의 정책과제 71
2. APEC 국제협력차원의 정책과제 73
3. 한국의 역할 77
Ⅵ. 결론 및 제언 79
1. 결론 79
2. 정책제언 82
참고문헌 87
<부록 1> 1차 정책 포럼 요약 95
<부록 2> Glen Nicolson, E-Government, E-commerce and E-procurement 107
<부록 3> Lim Cher Ping, Effective ICT Training Models 121
<부록 4> Ma Yan, The implementation of E-Government in China 125
<부록 5> Terry Kuny, Managing Change & IT Training & the Canadian Experience 127
<부록 6> Il Hyun Jo, Distance Learning Course Development Guide 137
<부록 7> 인도네시아 정보통신부 장관 연설문 세미나 개회식 171
<부록 8> 112제시안에 포함된 IT교육 과정의 표준화 177
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력개발원
- Citation
- 이정택. (2003-12-31). 국제기구(OECD, UNESCO 등)와의 공동연구(2003) : 정보통신기술 인력의 능력개발과 인력교류 활성화.
- Type
- Research Report
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- 연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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