학교-군-직업세계의 원활한 이행을 위한 군 인적자원개발 종합 대책
- Alternative Title
- Comprehensive Measures of Military Human Resources Development for Effective Transition of School-Military-Work
- Author(s)
- 이정표; 박남규; 최병순; 박윤희; 이병욱
- Publication Year
- 2003-12-03
- Created
- 2003-12-03
- https://www.krivet.re.kr/repository/handle/202405/930
- Abstract
- 한국직업능력개발원과 육군본부는 2003년 5월 10일 계룡대에서 ‘육군 인력정예화와 국가인적자원개발을 위한 공동학술연구 협약’을 체결하고, 양 기관이 공동으로 복무 장병의 평생 직업능력개발과 군 인력의 재취업 및 전직기회 확대를 위한 연구 사업을 연차적으로 추진하기로 합의한 바 있다. 이같은 협약에 의거하여 금년도에는 ‘학교-군-직업세계로의 원활한 이행을 위한 군 인적자원개발 종합 대책’이라는 연구 과제를 공동 수행하여 군 인적자원개발에 관한 실태와 문제점을 종합적으로 분석하고, 향후 추진해 나가야 할 연구 사업을 도출하는 데 목적을 두었다.
The purposes of this study were to comprehensively analyze the actual condition of the School-Military-Work transition from the viewpoint of military human resources development and to provide the policies and assignments that must be pursued for the establishment of effective and efficient transition system to develop the military human resources.
To accomplish this purpose, firstly, the internal and external environmental changes and the challenges of the school-to-work needed for the military human resources development were reviewed. Also, the approach frameworks for the analysis of the school-military-work were conceptualized. Secondly, the transition situations of school-military-work were analyzed. For this, the size and the environment changes of the military human resources were taken a look at. Also, the military acquisition and disposition systems, the military education and training policies and support systems were reviewed. Furthermore, by understanding the evaluation and recognition systems of the military education and training and the employment supports were taken a look at. Thirdly, with soldiers and officers and those discharged from military service as the subjects, the recognitions and needs toward the current practices of school-military-work were grasped.
Fourthly, the vision and the direction for the military human resources development to be pursued for the effective transition of School- Military-Work were presented. Also, comprehensive measures of the military human resources development to be pursued both short- and long-term were presented.
This study executed the analyses of literature and materials, expert councils and discussion meetings, a military policy seminar, questionnaire surveys, and interview surveys.
2. A Perspective the School-Military-Work transition
1) The Need for the Military Human Resources Development Towards a social and economic transformation in the 21st century
In order to confront the arrival of the knowledge-based society and the changes of the population structures and to resolve the problems of the implementation toward the school-to-work of the young people in Korea such as the high unemployment ratio, the discord between the school education and the industrial demand etc., the following direction and needs of the military human resources development were presented.
Firstly, differently from the previous industrial society, the knowledge-based economic society demands the human resources who possess the flexibility for quickly adapting at any time, with the possession of the basic vocational abilities and skills need to be possessed by human resources.
Secondly, with the knowledge-based economy, the weakening of the internal labor market and the disappearance of the concept of lifelong workplace, the importance of lifelong education gets emphasized.
Thirdly, because the competitiveness of the corporations within the digital economy or the knowledge-based economy depends on the ability to utilize the knowledge-workers who create and possess knowledge and information, a qualification and certification system that can objectively indicate the knowledge and the experience systems during military service is needed.
Fourthly, with the changes of the population structure, in preparation for the aging society, there is a need to strengthen the education and training for employment as a result of the discharges from professional military service.
Fifthly, because the youth possess more difficulties in the transition from school to work due to military services, education and training policies for helping the smooth and effective transition from school to work are demanded.
Sixthly, the securing and utilization of excellent military human resources is necessary.
- Table Of Contents
- I. 서론 1
1. 연구 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 질문 5
3. 연구 범위 7
4. 연구 내용 11
5. 연구 방법 및 절차 14
6. 용어의 정의 24
II. 군 인적자원개발 환경 변화와 대응 29
1. 환경 변화에 따른 군 인적자원개발의 방향과 필요성 29
2. 학교-군-직업세계 이행의 개념적 틀 46
Ⅲ. 학교-군-직업세계 이행의 종합 실태 분석 55
1. 군 인적자원 규모 및 환경 55
2. 군 획득 및 배치 체계 운영 실태 70
3. 군 교육훈련정책 및 지원 실태 91
4. 군 교육훈련 평가인정 및 취업 지원 실태 145
IV. 군 복무자 및 전역자의 인식 및 요구 분석 161
1. 사병의 인식 및 요구 161
2. 중장기 군 복무자의 인식 및 요구 184
3. 중장기 군 복무 전역자의 취업 실태 및 인식 203
4. 군 복무자·전역자의 인식 및 요구 특징과 시사점 222
V. 학교-군-직업세계로의 원활한 이행을 위한 군 인적자원개발 추진 방향과 과제 231
1. 군 인적자원개발 비전과 방향 232
2. 군 인적자원개발 추진 과제 234
3. 과제 추진 방식 249
4. 대상별 적용 추진 과제 252
5. 주체별 역할과 기능 256
VI. 결론 및 제언 261
참고문헌 265
Abstract 271
[부록 1] 단기 군 복무자 대상 설문지 287
[부록 2] 중장기 복무자 대상 설문 조사지 295
[부록 3] 중장기 군 복무 전역자 대상 설문 조사지 307
[부록 4] 세미나 추진 내역 313
- Publisher
- 한국직업능력개발원, 육군본부
- Citation
- 이정표. (2003-12-03). 학교-군-직업세계의 원활한 이행을 위한 군 인적자원개발 종합 대책.
- Type
- Research Report
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- 연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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