I. 문제제기 II. 일자리 창출관련 예산의 추이 및 국제비교 1. 일자리 창출관련 예산 III. 일자리 창출정책의 효과분석 1. 데이터 2. 분석모형 및 결과 IV. 요약 및 정책적 시사점 1. 경기활성화 2. 실업대책의 도덕적 해이 현상 완화 3. 교육시스템의 개혁 4. 서비스업의 규제완화 참고문헌 abstract This study shows the trends of the government expenditure to the job creation policies in Korea. This trends was compared with OECD countries to draw some policy implications to Korean government. We estimated the effects of job training that is one of the most important methods of job creation on the employment by using the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study (KLIPS). This research shows that Korean government spend more budget to the active labor market policy compare to other employment creation activities. The empirical results show that the job training is effective to the job creation and also training period is important. This research suggest several policy implications on the job creation policy based on the empirical results.