Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 연구방법 1. 연구대상 2. 연구도구 3. 자료처리 및 분석 Ⅲ. 연구결과 1. 기술통계 2.대학생활적응도와 진로정체감, 진로결정수준, 진로준비행동과의 관계 3. 대학생활 적응집단과 부적응집단간 진로발달의 차이 Ⅳ. 논의 참고문헌 abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the correlational relation of vocational identity, career decision level and career preparation behavior level to college adjustment in order to help provide better career guidance regarding to 5 subordinate scale of college adjustment. The subjects in this study were 228 students who included 128 men, 99 women and 1 person which does not indicate sex, and excepted 3 people which were insincere in answer back. The main finding is that college adjustment was the significantly correlated to vocational identity, career decision level and career preparation behavior. Specifically, all career development index were significantly related to the general school life, interpersonal relationships, psychological health and physical health subscales of college adjustment, and not to the crisis subscale. And also as a result of the analysis for the difference of career developmental levels between college adjustment group and college maladjustment group, it found that it was the statistically significant difference between the two group. General school life, interpersonal relationships, psychological health and physical health subscales of the adjustment group were significantly higher than those of the maladjustment group. The importance of career guidance programs for college students are discussed based on this research result and suggest some ideas for the following research.
황매향. (2005-12-31). 대학생의 진로발달과 학교적응도와의 관계. 직업능력개발연구 8권 2호.