Ⅲ. 실증분석 결과 1. 전공별 임금격차 2. 노동시장 특성에 따른 임금효과 3. 전공일치의 임금효과 4. 이공계 교육의 임금효과
Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론
abstract This paper attempts to find out the wage differentials of science and engineering graduates. Using the data from the Korean Survey of University Graduate 2005 and Statistical Yearbook of Education, we find that the average wage levels of science and engineering graduates are lower than those of graduates in social sciences, education, and medical sciences and pharmacy. This is one of the major reasons for the problem of students shunning science and engineering. But we argue that this problem can be overcome with higher wage levels promoted through moving to jobs matching university majors, improvement of university education quality, and 'select and concentrate strategy' in university investment. That is, we can solve the problem of students shunning science and engineering by improving the level of education quality of science and engineering programs.