Ⅰ. 머 리 말 Ⅱ. 자격제도 운영개요 1. 자격제도의 성립배경 및 의의 2. 자격제도의 체계 Ⅲ. 자격제도의 개혁동향 Ⅳ. 직업교육훈련와 자격제도의 연계 Ⅴ. 맺 음 말 This paper studies the qualification system of France, closely linked with vocational training. Although the system is traditionally controled by French Government, a private qualification system by industries is introduced since the 1980's. French firms and labor unions play an important role in running the private system, that reflects practical knowledges and skills, and is based on job classification. This paper proposes to develope a complementary relation between the public and private systems. This study insists to admit skills by on-the-job in the qualification system as an alternative for the weak points in the current qualification system of Korea.