고등학교 중심의 직업교육훈련의 연계 운영에 관한 연구

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A Study of the Curriculum Articulation Focused on Colleges and High Schools to Construct Life-Long Vocational Education System
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본 연구는 고등학교와 전문대학의 교육과정의 2+2 연계 운영이 신교육개혁과 함께 실효성 있는 평생직업교육체제를 구축하기 위한 전문 인력 양성교육제도로 정착되기 위하여 교육과정의 연계 운영상의 방안들을 제시하고자 한다. 또한 한국의 2+2 연계교육과 비교가 될 만한 외국의 사례로 미국의 Tech Prep Program에 관한 내용을 고찰하고 우리나라의 2+2 연계교육에의 시사점을 찾아보고자 한다.
The primary goal of this research is an attempt to examine the curriculum articulation program between colleges and high schools, from here on referred as the 2+2 program, to contribute to the life-long vocational education system. Simultaneously, this study will also attempt to suggest policy implications for improving the program through analyzing the current educational environment and problems of the 2+2 curriculum linkge system in terms of its management and the institution.
For the establishment of the articulation of curriculum between colleges and high schools followings are to be improved. First, the contents of the curriculum of each level should be classified and the learning material developed. Second, the human resource including students and teaching staff, and material resource such as equipments to be set up and conjugated properly. Third, this program should be supported by the consortium composed of the personnel of various groups in the community Fourth, the qualification system and sholarly attainment should be linked. Fifth, the articulation program should be evaluated for a betterment of the management of the articulation education. At the same time, the program is established to also serve as the continuing education and foundation for life-long education opportunity for many industrial workers with high school education.
The articulation of curricular between high schools and colleges should be developed to provide the practical and high quality vocational education. At the same time the articulation system should be designed to provide students for the opportunities for further education.
정지선. (1998-12-31). 고등학교 중심의 직업교육훈련의 연계 운영에 관한 연구. 직업능력개발연구 1권.
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학술지 논문 > I. 직업능력개발연구
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