The aim of our research is to analyze the situation of the training market and the problems of state-supported training system. The state subsidizes vocational training based actual training cost recognition. Therefore the training cost recognition methods is a very important matter in the state-supported training system. This research was accomplished as follows. First, we analyze the present method recognized the training cost. Second, we identify current problems existing with the recognition method. Based on these analyses, we suggest the rational recognition method to promote the sound vocational training market. And we would like to suggest standard training recognition methods of the Worker Job Training Promotion Act which was established recently. ...
Table Of Contents
I. 문제의 제기 1
Ⅱ. 훈련비용 인정 유형과 문제점 6 1. 현행 비용인정 관련 규정 6 가. 직업훈련기본법에 의한 훈련비용의 인정 6 나. 고용보험 직업능력개발사업의 사업내 훈련 8 다. 고용보험 직업능력개발사업의 교육훈련 9 라. 고용보험 직업능력개발사업의 실업자직업훈련 10 마. 고용보험 고용안정사업의 고용유지훈련 12 바. 고용보험 고용안정사업의 직업전환훈련 등 13 사. 고용정책기본법의 고용촉진훈련 14 2. 훈련비용 인정방법의 유형 14 3. 현행 훈련비용 인정방법의 문제점 17 4. 훈련비용 인정기준 일원화의 필요성 22