기업과 구직자의 무형적 요구분석을 통한 청년층 노동시장 분석

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Youth Labor Market Analysis through intangible demand analysis of firms and applicants
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본 연구는 우리나라 기업과 구직자의 무형적 요구분석을 통해 청년층 노동시장을 분석하고 청년고용 활성화를 위해 다음과 같은 내용을 연구하고자 한다.
○ 우리나라 청년 노동시장 현황을 파악하고 분석하려고 한다.
○ 기업 조직문화의 유형을 분류하고 유형별로 인적자원관리의 패턴을 파악하고자 한다.
○ 구직자에 대한 무형적 요구분석을 통해 니즈를 파악하고 이를 유형화할 것이다.
○ 기업의 조직문화와 구직자의 니즈와의 적합성 모색 및 비교분석을 실시할 것이다.
This study explored youth labor market by intangible demand analysis from firms and applicants. The employment problems, especially for young generation, would be serious issues in the labor market since they would be related to over-education, loss of social capital, and skill discontinuity. The previous labor economic studies focused on tangible mismatch such as mismatch of information, skill, and income. However, this approach could not reflect the variety of companies in the labor market. To overcome this limitation of tangible labor market mismatch approach, marketing or human resource management approach based on internal and behavioral variables would be needed. The youth labor market of Korea has some unique characteristics compared to other developed countries like OECD countries. The Korean young generation has low employment, but it also has low employment rate too. This ostensibly conflicting labor market features would resulting from the late labor market entry of Korean young generation. The features and causes of NEET were also analyzed.
The previous research on organizational culture produced some research outcomes from some researchers such as Schein, Trompenaars, and Quinn. The competing value model proposed by Cameron & Quinn was frequently utilized to analyze the effect of organizational culture on various firm practices like human resource management practices. They made typology of organizational culture such as relationship culture, innovation culture, market culture, and hierarchy culture. To analyze demand of applicants, studies on the relationship between some variables like job value, career self-efficacy, personality and job search behaviors as well as studies on tangible labor market factors were reviewed and utilized to form the research framework of this study. In addition, studies on the fit between person and organizations such as the effect of person-organization fit on attraction, job offer acceptance, satisfaction, commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and performance were also reviewed and utilized.
To test research question of this study, survey on HR managers and new entry employees were conducted. Even though The research question concerns the relationship between organizational culture and applicants' characteristics, job applicants rather than new entry employees were used for survey to provide information for the relationship between person-organization fit and job performance. To provide information on these variables, about 280 companies and 500 new entry employees were surveyed.
The relationship between person-organization fit and organizational characteristics and practices. However, the relationship between two variables was not clear possibly because the strong organizational culture would be associated with the better firm practices. The young generation put the high priority on income, status, and job security. The young employees considered skill and career as important factors while they searched for jobs. There are about 30 percent of young employees who felt that there was a discrepancy between skill level between school education and job qualification required by companies. As predicted by previous researches, the person- organization fit was related with the higher job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors and the lower turnover intention. Some of interaction terms between organizational culture and individual employees characteristics such as self-efficacy, perceived organizational support, internal locus of control, and vacational perception were also statistically significant. In addition, some of difficulty of employment variables were associated with some individual characteristic variables, tangible labor market factors, job values, and organizational features. Through this labor market segmentation by intangible labor market factors, the more tailored polices would be developed based on results of analyses between organizational culture and employee characteristics.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 서론_1
제1절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 3
제2절 연구내용 4
제3절 연구방법 6
제2장 청년 노동시장 현황 및 분석_9
제1절 우리나라 청년 노동시장의 특성 11
제3장 선행연구 검토_25
제1절 기업문화 27
제2절 근로자 특성 34
제3절 근로자와 조직 적합성 46
제4장 설문조사 분석_51
제1절 연구방법 및 표본 특성 분석 53
제2절 조직특성 및 근로자 특성 분석 85
제3절 무형적 노동시장 인과분석 126
제5장 결론_173
제1절 요약 및 토의 175
제2절 정책방안 178
<부록 1> 인사 담당자용 설문지 201
<부록 2> 근로자용 설문지 215
오계택. (2014-10-31). 기업과 구직자의 무형적 요구분석을 통한 청년층 노동시장 분석.
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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