청년층 교육·고용 패널자료 구축사업 (Ⅱ)

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The Longitudinal Survey of School-to-Work in Korea(II)
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본 연구는 청년층 교육훈련 패널 조사의 기초적인 밑그림을 제시했던 2000년도 사업의 후속사업으로서 1차 년도 사업에서 제시하지 못했던 보다 자세한 내용을 담고자 하며 특히, 구체적인 표본추출방법을 통한 표본 추출과 조사에 필요한 조사항목을 제시하고자 하며 아울러 본 조사의 원칙과 이후 사업에 필요한 구체적인 내용을 살펴보고자 함
The essence of Longitu dinal data is that the same people are surveyed on a regular basis over time. By surveying the same young people overtime it is possible to build an un derstanding of the chan ges taking place in their lives- and the ways that previous achievement and experience influence what is happening to them now. Besides Longitu dinal data provide the means to un derstand complex and dynamic processes. Factors influencing transitions can be explored, compared and evaluated thu s further enhancing understanding of the mechanism that may facilitate a smoother transition from schooling to the labour market.
This survey can a key requirement for analysing young people' s transition processes and outcomes, and evalu ating the impact of different educational policy framework in Korea.
Most labour-market survey and national educational surveys cover only transitions from the point when people leave education, but our survey review proposed that a stu dy of transitions begin when educational pathways begin to diverge the age of 15-29 years. Because transition from education to work can no longer be thought of as a single event but is now more appropriately seen as a sequence of transition between a variety of statuses and combinations of statuses.
This study cohort age of 15-29 makes for a natural beginning for the stu dy of school-to-work transition . This is an age at which youth begins to make key decisions that will affect their long term educational and solve to problems of labour markets in Korea.
This study consists of seven section . This ch1 section, introduction, outlines the broad aims and need of the stu dy. The ch2 section, general approach methods for survey, ch3 section provides introduction to sample frame method and weightin g. ch4 contains educational an d labour market questionnaire and account for establishment of qu estionnaire. ch5 proposed the practical use and management of data. ch6 and ch7 is the limitation of study and the main contents of pilot survey for study.
Table Of Contents
I. 서론 1
1. 패널 조사의 필요성 2
2. 패널 조사의 장점과 단점 9
3. 패널 조사연구의 정책적 기여 11
II. 패널 조사의 기본 방향 15
1. 조사의 기본 방향 15
2. 조사내용과 원칙 18
3. 조사방법의 원칙 22
III. 표본추출과 가중치 25
1. 표본추출의 기본 방향 25
2. 대상별 표본 추출방법 30
IV. 패널조사 설문내용 53
1. 교육관련 설문조사항목과 내용 53
2. 노동관련 설문조사항목과 내용 76
V. 조사자료의 활용방안 및 관리방안 89
1. 자료의 활용방안 89
2. 응답자 관리방안 91
VI. 예비조사의 방향성 및 주요 점검 내용 97
1. 예비조사의 목적 97
2. 조사중점내용 97
3. 조사방법 99
4. 조사에서 나타난 문제점 101
5. 본 조사에 대한 시사점 104
VII. 조사의 한계 및 요약 107
1. 표본의 한계 107
2. 조사방법의 한계 107
3. 응답자 관리의 한계 108
4. 연구환경의 한계 109
5. 요약 110
VIII. 참고문헌 111
부록(설문지) 115
김해동. (2001-12-31). 청년층 교육·고용 패널자료 구축사업 (Ⅱ).
Research Report
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연구보고서 > I. 기본보고서 (1997~현재)
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