II. 이론적 논의 1. 전문성 및 전문가의 개념 2. 초보자와 전문가의 차이 3. 전문성 발달단계론
III. 연구방법론 1. 연구대상 2. 심층면담 및 분석 3. 분석틀
IV. 연구결과 1. 자아와 직종가치의 통합 2. 강렬한 목표추구행위 3. 바람직한 태도와 습관의 지속적인 형성
IV. 논의 및 결론
abstract This study is conducted to explore what factors play key role in developing expertise and how individuals develop their own expertise through work experience. 18 life insurance sales experts are interviewed and themes on the process of expertise development and key factors are analyzed. Research findings are as follows. First, expertise is developed through three different interactive phases between the self value and the occupation value. When individuals were first introduced to the job, their self and the job interact through which the insurance sales experts went through unification phase as they performed their tasks. Second, insurance sales experts showed extremely strong goal-pursuing behavior, acting as a driving force behind development of expert through goal setting and goal accomplishment. Third, the continuous formation of positive attitudes and desirable habits is critical in maintaining and improving the level of expertise.
오헌석. (2006-12-31). 전문성 개발과정 및 핵심요인에 관한 연구. 직업능력개발연구 9권 2호.