Ⅱ. 스킬과 학습의 개념적 재구성 1. 스킬과 학습 개념의 재검토 2. 스킬 개념의 재구성
Ⅲ. 전자산업의 생산 및 기술 환경과 교육훈련 1. 반도체 업종 2. 휴대폰 3. 전자의료기기
Ⅳ. 전자산업 핵심 인력의 스킬 형성과 학습 1. 전자산업 핵심 인력의 스킬 형성과 학습의 특성 2. 업종별 스킬 형성과 학습
V. 요약 및 함의
abstract The purpose of this study is to analyse the characteristics and changes of skill formation and learning processes in Korea's electronic industry. In this study, we deal with the three major electronic sectors -- semi-conductor, cellular phone manufacturing, and electronic medical equipment manufacturing. The main findings are as follows. First, Korea's leading electronic companies tend to rely on flexible multi-functional workforce with dynamic learning and innovation capacity. Second, the importance of learning on-the-job tacit knowledge is relatively low. Third, there is a relatively high possibility of applying such knowledge to other companies or related jobs. Fourth, the level of comprehension to apply or share the skills and knowledges in general industries is low. Fifth, the socialization of formal knowledge through internalization is actively taking place. Sixth, the skills of core manpower in Korean electronic industry tend to be converging toward the long-term cumulative skill formation.
장홍근. (2006-12-31). 한국 전자산업 기술인력의 스킬과 학습. 직업능력개발연구 9권 2호.