산업기술인력과 고교단계 직업기술교육의 과제 : 공업고등학교를 중심으로

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Industrial Technical Manpower & Issues in VOTEC at the Upper Secondary School Level : Emphasis on Technical High School
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I. 서론
II. 현안진단과 문제제기
1. 고교단계 직업기술교육의 정책변화
2. 신 직업교육 체제에 따른 고등학교 개편방안
3. 산학협동 교육
4. 공고생의 수학능력
III. 고교단계 기술인력과 공고교육
1. 산업인력 구조
2. 기술인력의 구성과 전망
3. 공업고드아학교 교육의 방향
IV. 공고교육의 향후 과제
For coping with new industrial structure and situation at the coming 21st century so called "the Age of Globalization and Information",
This study aimed to introduce the main tasks against industrial manpower shortage and the plans to enlarge VOTEC, which are being carried out at the government level in recent years, to survey the current status of technical high school education, and to raise several immediate issues related to those tasks and plans. Approaching to the twenty-first century some comprehensive review of the manpower need was also made for upper secondary school level in this country.
In detail, this study precisely 1) explores current problems and structural weakness in policy changes in VOTEC at the upper secondary school level, reframing strategics of upper secondary education according to reforming new VOTEC system, implementation of industrial firm - school cooperative education, and other matters related to VOTEC including learning ability of technical high school students, and 2) discusses issues related to technical manpower and technical high school, composition and prediction of technical manpower, and desirable technical high school education required by industry.
The problems that should be reformed and supplemented to meet the demand of the present technical high school education are as follows:
1) Unclear identification of the objectives of technical high school
2) Weakness of learning ability of technical high school students
3) Unflexible implementation of the curriculum and composition of major subjects
4) Inconsistent follow-up study on the management and curriculum model of technical high school
5) Unauthorized industrial field experience as educational experience of those who want to be teachers even if they are well qualified.
강기주. (1998-12-31). 산업기술인력과 고교단계 직업기술교육의 과제 : 공업고등학교를 중심으로. 직업능력개발연구 1권.
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학술지 논문 > I. 직업능력개발연구
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