
Meister High School System in Korea

Jinyoung Yu,Mihwan Oh,Seoungnam Kim,Eunjeong Yoo
Issuing Organization
Ministry of Education, KRIVET(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training)
Chapter Ⅰ. Overview of Korean Meister High School System_1
	1. History of Korean Meister High School System	3
	2. Meister High School Operating Model	7
Chapter Ⅱ. Current Status of Korean Meister High School System_11
	1. Current Status of Korea’s High School System	13
	2. Current Status of Korean Meister High School	17
Chapter Ⅲ. Development and Operation of Korean Meister High School Program_23
	1. Developing Curriculum Tailored to Industry Demand	25
	2. After-School Programs	27
	3. Promotion of Project-Based Learning (PBL)	29
	4. Graduate Certification System	31
	5. Dormitory Accommodation 	34
	6. Promotion of Industry-School Cooperation	36
Chapter Ⅳ. National Policy Support for Korean Meister High School System_41
	1. Establishment of Center for Meister High School	43
	2. Budgetary support	56
	3. Support on Teachers	57
Chapter Ⅴ. Outcomes of Korean Meister High School System_61
	1. Outcome of the Meister High School System	63
	2. Social Outcomes of Meister High School	64
	3. Changing the Social Perception of Vocational Education	65
Chapter Ⅵ. Prospects and Implications for Meister High Schools in Korea_71
	1. Summary and Improvement Plan	73
< Table 1>Meister High School Operation Methods	9
< Table 2>Status of Korea’s Vocational High Schools (2020)	15
< Table 3>Current Status of Vocational High Schools by Field of Study	15
< Table 4>Number of Meister High Schools and Main Industrial Sectors	18
< Table 5>Current Status of Meister High Schools in Industrial Sector(As of 2021)	20
< Table 6>Benefits and Satisfaction with After-School Programs Expressed by Students at Meister High Schools Opened in 2019 (out of 5) 	28
< Table 7>Case of Project-Based Learning in 2019	30
< Table 8>Areas of Certification at Meister High Schools in Global Business Sector	33
< Table 9>Subsidies for Meister High School Dormitories in 2020(by Year of School Foundation)	35
< Table 10>Meister High Schools with Ministry Participation(as of March 2020)	38
< Table 11>Companies and Associations with MOU with Meister High Schools 	39
< Table 12>Number of Teachers at Meister High schools	59
< Table 13>Employment Status of Graduates from Meister High Schools Opened from 2010 to 2015	64
< Table 14>Benefits Offered by Companies to Graduates from Vocational High Schools	66
< Table 15>Global Exchange Regarding Meister High Schools	68
[Figure 1]Policies to Develop Korean-Style Meister High Schools and  Implementation Strategies	6
[Figure 2]Meister High School Operation Performance Management Model (Draft)	8
[Figure 3]Korea’s School System	14
[Figure 4]Career Path of Meister High School Students 	18
[Figure 5]Curriculum Change Procedure at Meister High Schools 	27
[Figure 6]Procedures of Project-Based Learning	29
[Figure 7]Organization Model of Meister High School Industry-School  Cooperation Committee 	40
[Figure 8]Meister High School Support System Organization	44
[Figure 9]Meister High School Operation Performance Management Overview	47
[Figure 10]Meister High School Operation Performance Management at Each Phase	48
[Figure 11]Procedure of Designating a New Meister High School	52
[Figure 12]Roadmap of Preparing for Opening a New Meister High School 	55
[Figure 13]Result of Survey on Satisfaction with 21 Meister High Schools Opened in 2010 	65
[Figure 14]Result of Survey on Companies’ Satisfaction with Graduates of Meister High Schools	67