1. A Research on Directions and Tasks of Career Experience for Elementary and Secondary Schools to Build Career Capital: Focusing on Career Competency 1
2. National HRD Innovation in the Non-Face-to-Face Era 3
3. A Method of Establishing Vocational Education Governance according to Education Autonomy and Expansion of Lifelong Learning 7
4. Developing and Measuring Innovation Capability in Specialized Vocational High Schools according to Changes in the Future Society ·11
5. Measures for the Substantiality of Continuing Vocational Education in Higher Education Institutions to Respond to Future Environmental Changes 15
6. A Study on the Activation Plan of Non-Face-to-Face Online Career Experiential Learning 23
7. A Research on Human Resources Development Policy for Responding to Changes in Industrial Structure and Securing Competitveness of SMEs: Focusing on Manufacturing 29
8. Manufacturing Crisis and Local Job Creation Plans: Focusing on Employment Crisis Regions 33
9. A Study on the Development of Career Education Industry ·37
10. A Study on How to Encourage Trade Unions’ Engagement in Training Governance ·41
11. Productivity in the Social Service Sector and Good Jobs Strategy · 43
12. A Study on the Revision of School Career Education Goals and Achievement Standards 49
13. Improving Disaster Responsive System against Pandemics in Vocational Education Sectors : the Korean Experience ·51
14. The Relationship between Personal Resources of Vocational High School Students and Entrance into the Labor Market 53
15. The Role and Operation of TV WORKNET: Focusing on the Possibility of a Redesign of a Path for Lifelong Vocational Competency Development 55
16. A Study on the Establishment of a New Development Scheme for a Lifelong Learning Society ·57
17. Policy Issues for a Just Transition towards Carbon Neutrality ·59
18. In the Age of AI, What Kind of Competencies will the Workers in the Future Need? 65
19. A Study on the School Career Curriculum in Preparation for the Revision of the National Curriculum 77
20. A Study on Local Government Strategies for a Regional Learning Ecosystems ·85
21. The Construction of Data-based Skill Forecasting System (2021) 89
22. A Research on Korean Occupational Index for Career and Employment Service(2021) 93
23. A Study on a Paradigm Shift Regarding Managing Faculty of New Industries in Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2021) 97
24. An Analysis of Labor Mobility and Labor Market Performance of Local University Graduates 113