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[Special Column 1] Key Summary of the 2022 URC Workshop
Date 2022-12-28

Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) was designated as the UNESCO Regional Centre of Excellence for TVET in 2002. Since 2012, the institute has been serving as the coordinating center for UNEVOC centers located in East and Southeast Asian regions. KRIVET holds an annual workshop to contribute to international perspectives and expertise on TVET, as well as better access to global TVET information, by reinforcing the network among member centers in the region.

The theme of this year’s workshop is “Beyond New Normal, Towards the Transition: TVET for Resilience.” The workshop took place over two consecutive days (September 28-29, 2022) and consists of four sessions―namely (1) Innovation and Future of TVET, (2) Linking Skills Development and Labor Market, (3) Lifelong TVET, and (4) Green TVET. With these four subtopics, which were carefully selected based on the survey results from regional member centers, KRIVET intends not only to discuss recent TVET events, ideas, policies, and best practices but also to strengthen the network among UNEVOC centers in the East and Southeast Asia.


Theme 1: Innovation and the Future of TVET

-      Digital transformation is rapidly changing the economy, society, and the way people live, and will inevitably lead to changes in the type, form and substance of jobs. New forms of learning will appear in education and training, and digital technology will support all elements of education and training, from creating the content of courses to assessment of learners.

-      The role of TVET in this fast-changing environment is to provide relevant programs and competencies required in a digital environment. Most of all, it is important to enhance learners’ competencies in line with digital transformation.

-      There needs to be a consensus that TVET is more than mere training, but related to human resources. In addition to strengthening technology, teaching methods, and teacher capacity, a macroscopic and systematic approach is required on governance, curriculum development, and partnerships between companies before training programs are developed.

-      A long-term strategy at the government level is necessary to solve problems associated with digital transformation, such as information gaps. It is also important to identify what problems businesses face in relation to TVET.

Theme 2: Linking Skills Development and the Labor Market

-      It is necessary to guarantee that the competencies of TVET graduates meet the standards required by the labor market and businesses. In particular, work-based learning can only succeed with the support of both industry/business and TVET.

-      The lack of a supply of talent needed by the labor market is a global issue. Singapore’s Ministry of Higher Education and Skills recognizes that higher education is not just limited to education, but an alternative that can change quality of life for students and bring innovation to the workplace, so it has been working to develop appropriate policies for higher education. 

-      Employer participation is a must to establish an effective human resource development system. To encourage more active participation of employers, it is necessary to motivate employers to participate in TVET projects in the long term rather than providing funds only in the short term.


Theme 3: Lifelong TVET

-      TVET has developed differently by country and institution, but has consistently expanded in the education sector. There are a variety of programs all over the world, such as internship systems including degrees or credits, on-the-job training, and two-year short-term courses exist all over the world. While how these courses conducted are all different, what is commonly important is that the mechanism to ensure quality must be strong.

-      The Ministry of Education of Thailand has designed a lifelong TVET module using the vocational classroom program, and provides education programs for elementary schools to gain an interest in TVET and for middle-school students wanting to change their future career aspirations through TVET.

-      The TVET system must be more flexible so that it becomes more relevant to the current labor market. In addition, in order to remove barriers to entry into TVET, existing systems should be regularly reviewed, and the education system must quickly respond to changes through close cooperation with international vocational education and training institutions as well as with national ministries and institutions.


Theme 4: Green TVET

-      Green TVET is a concept that has been drawing particular attention against the global trend of pursuing sustainable societies. Many countries are aware of its importance, but have had difficulty applying the concept universally.

-      Technology development to promote a green transition is very important to bridge the gap between green TVET, a new paradigm, and the existing education system. TVET will play the role of providing the knowledge and skills needed by a sustainable world for future generations who stand at the crossroads between their education and careers.

-      The problem that many countries/institutions face in relation to green TVET is the definition of concepts and terminology, or rather the lack of such clear definitions. UNESCO-UNEVOC has developed Greening TVET to help users better understand what they can and should do to promote green TVET. Adopting it with necessary modifications to local situation of the adopting country can be an option.

Special Session 1: Reference Model for Educators’ Activities and Development

-      The READY (Reference Model for Educators’ Activities and Development) Model has been developed by the European Training Foundation as part of the Creating New Learning initiative and introduces the competencies needed by educators in the 21st century in 6 domains and 22 practices.

Special Session 2: UNESCO Strategy for TVET 2022-2029

-      The UNESCO Strategy for TVET 2022-2029 was developed after the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about the largest changes in the world ever. It contains a long-term strategy to build resilience after the pandemic in consideration of the current and future priorities in the field of the TVET.