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[Special Column 2] Key Summary of Global HR Forum 2022
Date 2022-12-28

The Global HR Forum, jointly established in 2006 by the Korea Economic Daily, the Ministry of Education, and the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, celebrated its 17th anniversary this year.

The theme of this year's Global HR Forum, “The Next Talent in the Era of Grand Transition”, is intended to discuss global megatrends and seek ways to nurture talents which can apply the megatrends into practice. World leaders such as high-ranking officials from governments and international organizations, global corporate CEOs, and scholars and academic experts from world-renowned universities gathered in one place to discuss the future that the next generation will face in the Age of Great Transformation. The forum was held at Grand Walkerhill Seoul in Gwangjang-dong, Seoul from November 2 to 3.

The Global HR Forum this year consisted of a total of 27 sessions and 94 speakers. More than 3,100 people participated in person, and a total of 333 questions were asked during the sessions, which can be interpreted as a success overall.


The keynote speech addressed the grand transition and de-globalization and the direction of university education in the grand transition era, while the special lectures discussed ways to secure future talent in the manufacturing and entertainment world, future jobs in the age of AI, and a rethinking of capitalism. The keynote sessions addressed de-globalization and the new Cold War, survival strategies in the age of semiconductor technology power, the future of education, and the war to secure semiconductor talent, equity and new organizational culture of millennials and generation Z. The special sessions discussed policy priorities for development of talent in the era of the grand transition, the education of creative talent, innovation at universities and the role of companies.

The themes of the A session, hosted by The Korea Economy Daily, included convergence between AI and humans, the future of metamates, entrepreneurship and successful DNA in the digital era, K-Culture and human resources. At the B session, hosted by Korea’s Ministry of Education, the participants discussed the redesigning of educational governance, career exploration in the era of the grand transition, talent in the age of Big Blur, innovation in learning spaces and social linkage. The C session, hosted by KRIVET, was about cooperation between economic entities and ways to vitalize social dialogue for the development of talent, plans to develop talent for new industries, plans for corporate reform and the talent necessary for those reforms, and region-based development of future talent.


As the theme for Global HR Forum 2022 was “The Next Talent in the Era of Grand Transition,” many of the speakers brought up various economic challenges that come with the era, and commonly emphasized the importance of securing talent with interdisciplinary abilities and cooperative skills and the need to bring innovation to the existing talent development system. Ideas were particularly discussed to increase the use of a lifelong education system against the trend of population decrease, and the importance of AI utilization ability was emphasized. At the sub-sessions, many meaningful discussions were held among opinion leaders from all walks of life. KRIVET plans to actively utilize the implications learned at this forum to discover timely research topics in the future.