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2023 East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network Consolidation Workshop
Date 2023-12-26

KRIVET was designated as the UNESCO Regional Centre of Excellence for TVET in 2002. Since 2012, the institute has served as the Cluster Coordinating Centre (CCC) for East and Southeast Asia. KRIVET hosts an annual workshop to strengthen the UNEVOC Network within the East and Southeast Asian regions. This workshop aims to share recent TVET related policies and best practices, and to suggest and discuss further activities.

The theme of this year’s workshop was “Future of TVET - What is the priority of TVET in the great transition era?” Currently, the education system around the world is undergoing two major transitions: digital and green. The workshop aimed to discuss recent TVET issues, events, and polices, as well as to share best practices for thriving in this era of great transition.

The workshop was held in Korea over three days (October 17-19, 2023). It included a full-day seminar on the first day (October 17th), a full-day site visit on the second day (October 18th), and a half-day wrap-up session on the last day (October 19th). The seminar on the first day consisted of four sessions: 1) Digital Transformation (Industry 4.0) and TVET, 2) Lifelong TVET, 3) Linking Skills Development to the Labor Market, and 4) TVET of Inclusivity and Quality.

Day 1 (Tuesday, October 17)

On the first day of the seminar, Professor Jangsoo Ryu, the President of KRVET, expressed his deep gratitude to the speakers and participants. He also expressed his hope that this year’s workshop would offer an opportunity to learn about the latest TVET trends and to identify the priorities of TVET should pursue in the digital transformation and green transition. He looked forward to continued collaboration between the East and Southeast Asia UNEVOC Network. Dr. Friedrich Huebler delivered the keynote speech, highlighting the impact of global transitions on TVET and skills demand. He emphasized the UNEVOC Network’s role as a platform for achieving UNESCO’s objectives. Representatives from UNEVOC Centres in China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, the Philippines, and Mongolia shared their recent TVET policies and best practices. They have discussed each country’s major challenges in TVET and potential cooperative strategies. Participants addressed the need for cooperation to resolve several issues in the great transition era, including: 1) the private sectors’ reduced involvement in providing education and training after COVID-19; 2) strategies to foster TVET and develop leaders, alongside improving the basic teacher training system; 3) the need for a green and inclusive economy and society; 4) the importance of community participation; and 5) plans for cooperation with other regional UNEVOC Network beyond East and Southeast Asia.

Day 2 (Wednesday, October 18)

On the second day of the workshop, UNEVOC Centres had the opportunity to visit Seoul Robotics High School, SK Telecom Borame Office Building, and the Seoul Technology Center. These site visits provided valuable insights into vocational education practices in Korea.

Day 3 (Thursday, October 19)

Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute, which joined the UNEVOC Network in October 2022, has been notably active in promoting global citizenship and organizing relevant events this year. Mr. Qin Jingjun from the institute shared their future plans as a UNEVOC Centre. These include promoting active collaboration with other UNEVOC Centres to share knowledge and expertise, as well as a commitment to exploring and implementing innovative teaching and learning methods.

The UNEVOC Network is dedicated to facilitating cooperation, mutual assistance, and knowledge sharing. At present, there are 231 UNEVOC Centres in 150 countries, with 60 UNEVOC Centres in the Asia-Pacific region. During the wrap-up session, Dr. Friedrich Huebler presented serval guiding questions: 1) What roles can my UNEVOC Centre play in various areas of engagement under UNEVOC’s new MTS IV?; 2) How can my UNEVOC Centre aid in attracting relevant bodies and training providers in my country to engage?; 3) What potential do the dormant UNEVOC Centres hold, and how we can increase their active participation?; and 4) What actions can the UNEVOC Regional Network take in the future to continue promoting our diversity as a network and preserve our unique character? The discussion session was valuable, including insights from UNEVOC coordinators. Suggestions included organizing follow-up meetings after the annual workshop and casual online meetings to get to know each other; understanding TVET priorities in each country; addressing challenges due to changes in institutional structures and coordinators; recognizing new UNEVOC Centres involved in TVET, and offering brief introductions to the UNEVOC Network and its activities prior to TVET events.